Ray Energy Announces Mid-Atlantic Marketing Manager

Ray Energy, a leading midstream wholesale propane distributor, is proud to announce that Ryan DiGuiseppe now will be serving the Mid Atlantic U.S. propane market.
Uploaded Image: /uploads/images/Ryan-headshot_retouched-600w.jpgNamed one of 2018's Rising Leaders by LP Gas Magazine, Ryan has a depth of experience in supply and transportation solutions and understands the importance of strategic supply -- one of the key benefits Ray Energy provides their clients.
“I’m thrilled to be returning to the Mid Atlantic region. This is where I began my career in the propane industry and I look forward to reconnecting with the folks I have known for many years," Ryan said. "I’ve been wholesaling propane in other regions of the country for the past two years and am bringing back additional resources and a broader knowledge of the propane supply stream to better assist my customers.”
Ryan is a past board member of the Mid Atlantic Propane Gas Association (MAPGA) and the Pennsylvania Propane Gas Association (PAPGA), and has served as Co-Chair of the Propane Gas Association of New England (PGANE) Supply Committee.
You can reach Ryan via email or by calling 610-719-7769.

About Ray Energy Corp.

Founded in 1904, Ray Energy Corp. is a midstream wholesale propane supplier utilizing a strategic supply system incorporating multiple propane midstream locations, supply scheduling, and coordination of a diversified portfolio of assets to achieve the ultimate goal of providing their customers with an extremely reliable supply of propane. The company also provides programs to manage price volatility, reducing risk and protecting profitability.

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